Our FREE breastfeeding and parenting support groups are led by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Nurture Omaha
8329 Cass Street
Omaha, NE 68114
Our parking lot is only accessible by our driveway, please do not park in the parking lot next to us, or you may be towed.
Welcome to Nurture Village!
Nurture Village is the name of our lactation and parenting support group. We created Nurture Village for all families. It is an opportunity for you and your children to spend time with and gain support from others sharing a similar experience.
Mom, dad, husband, wife, grandparents, friends, nannies, and more all welcome to join.
While we are lactation consultants and many of our families are human milk feeding, you do not need to be lactating to attend. This group is about support in all things parenting. Siblings are welcome to join.
2024 Topics & Dates:
Currently postponed until we find a better date/time
January - Exercise when Lactating
February - Pumps & Pumping Tips (Valentines Craft)
March - Car Seat Safety & Traveling (St Pats Craft)
April - Starting Solids (Easter Craft)
May - Returning to Work (Mother's Day Craft)
June - Decoding Baby Cries & Baby Sign Language (Father's Day Craft)
July - Normal Baby Behavior (4th of July craft)
August - World Breastfeeding Week Celebration
September - Daycare & Bottles & Pumping
October - Safe Sleep (Halloween Craft)
November - Managing the Holidays (Thanksgiving Craft)
December - Birth Stories (Christmas Craft)
Check our social media pages for the most recent updates.
Group information:
You do need to sign up, so that we know you are coming. That can be done here:
Support groups will be charged to your insurance plan, as it is a benefit they should cover. If the don't cover, you will not be charged.
A baby scale is available to check your baby's weight gain and to do a weighted feeding to see how much milk your baby is transferring.
All groups are led by an IBCLC. All questions will try to be answered, but if yours is too complex to answer in a group setting, we will ask you to schedule a private consult so that we can assess both you and your baby and make sure feeding is going well!
Craft information:
We usually do some sort of handprint or footprint craft at each group to watch your baby grow. We use non-toxic washable craft paint, but it can get messy, so wear clothes you don't mind if they get stained.
Join our private Facebook group to chat with other parents and to keep up with group updates!
Click here to join!
(Be sure to answer the security questions or you will not be added)
What parents have to say about our support groups:
"After having a negative experience elsewhere and continuing to struggle with my son's latch at 2 weeks old, I felt so welcomed and even though it was full, they made an effort to sit down with me and spend time working on his latch and giving me different tips and tricks. Never once judging me or making me feel like I was doing something wrong. I went back every week and whatever struggle I had at the time, they were there for me. They helped me get my son to latch without the nipple shield and were just as excited for me as if it was their own baby. LOVE THEM! :)"

-Sarah W.
"When I joined mommy and me group, my daughter was in and out of nursing strikes. She was constantly gassy and colicky and I was struggling to keep my nursing relationship, let alone my sanity. I was on little amounts of sleep and my relationships around me were suffering.
My husband didn't understand, my mother in law and caretaker of my daughter didn't get it. My friends and coworkers thought I was crazy to continue to push as much as I did.
I felt so alone. Joining the group gave me a sense of not feeling so alone. We may not all have the same struggles in life, but at least we could all agree motherhood can be hard.
We are so thankful to the ladies of Nurture and all the friends we've made over the past two years."

-Jenny V.
"I wish I had enough words to describe how amazing Nurture Omaha is. I am currently breastfeeding my second child. One of the main reasons I was so successful the first time was because of Melanie. Prior to giving birth to my first child Melanie would constantly post information about breastfeeding, it caught my eye and really made me want to give breastfeeding a shot. I tell ALL of my friends and new moms, breastfeeding is hard and sometimes a guessing game, but as long as you ask for help and seek support your breastfeeding journey will be so much more successful! My support system has been Nurture Omaha, formerly Elite Lactation. Help is available 24/7, literally! No matter what time of day or whatever issue I am having, someone is always available to help! I message Melanie on Facebook and she responds so quickly. Melanie is SO educated and extremely positive. I could go on and on about my love and passion for Nurture Omaha. I cannot say enough good things about Nurture Omaha as a support system during my motherhood journey and breastfeeding! When they say it takes a village, it truly does. I’m so happy to have Melanie and Nurture Omaha in my village."

-Jessica H.